The Inflammatory Process.

Inflammation is the body’s reaction to invasion by an infectious agent, antigen or even just physical, chemical or traumatic damage. The inflammatory reaction is one of the body’s oldest defence mechanisms. When damage occurs the body’s automatic defence system starts the inflammatory process within seconds. Blood flow is firstly increased at the point of injury, the blood vessels widen (vasodilate) to allow oxygen, clotting agents (platelets) and white blood cells to penetrate the damaged tissues. Over a period of hours the concentration of white blood cells increases at the injury site (white blood cells fight infection).

The beginning of the inflammation process.

Individual cells are affected by the inflammatory process. Extra fluid that has migrated from the blood vessels passes into the damaged cells; this begins the process of disrupting the ionic balance of the cell. The chemical balance of the cell changes and cellular degeneration begins.

The presence of extra fluid, white blood cells, increased blood flow with in the tissues causes the damaged area to enlarge and swell, this is commonly known as oedema.

If untreated or caused by a chronic incurable disease process such as, arthritis, fibromyalgia and spondylosis, inflammation can become chronic. When removal of the foreign bodies that are causing the inflammation is ineffective damaged cells become fused together forming gigantic cells with multiple nuclei (the brain of the cell) which in turn eventually become granuloma.

A knee joint with chronic inflammation.

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