The Inflammatory Process.

Inflammation is the body’s reaction to invasion by an infectious agent, antigen or even just physical, chemical or traumatic damage. The inflammatory reaction is one of the body’s oldest defence mechanisms. When damage occurs the body’s automatic defence system starts the inflammatory process within seconds. Blood flow is firstly increased at the point of injury, the blood vessels widen (vasodilate) to allow oxygen, clotting agents (platelets) and white blood cells to penetrate the damaged tissues. Over a period of hours the concentration of white blood cells increases at the injury site (white blood cells fight infection).

The beginning of the inflammation process.

Individual cells are affected by the inflammatory process. Extra fluid that has migrated from the blood vessels passes into the damaged cells; this begins the process of disrupting the ionic balance of the cell. The chemical balance of the cell changes and cellular degeneration begins.

The presence of extra fluid, white blood cells, increased blood flow with in the tissues causes the damaged area to enlarge and swell, this is commonly known as oedema.

If untreated or caused by a chronic incurable disease process such as, arthritis, fibromyalgia and spondylosis, inflammation can become chronic. When removal of the foreign bodies that are causing the inflammation is ineffective damaged cells become fused together forming gigantic cells with multiple nuclei (the brain of the cell) which in turn eventually become granuloma.

A knee joint with chronic inflammation.

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All cells in the body share common components, regardless of their type. One of the common constituents of all cells are ions. Ions are positively and negatively charged particles that conduct electro- magnetic pulses from with in the cell. The electro-magnetic pulses allow the cell to function. Without ions a cell cannot live.

In a normal healthy cell the ions are distributed around the cell with all of the positive ions on one side and the negative ions on the opposing side. The ions which live outside of the cell in the tissues will align with those inside of the cell so that opposing poles are together with the cell membrane between them (see diagram of healthy cell below), This allows fluid , oxygen and nutrients (fluid exchange) to move freely in and out of the cell, whilst maintaining the natural balance within the cell (homeostasis).

In a diseased (injured) cell the positive and negative ions do not stay on opposing sides of the cell. They are disrupted and scatter randomly around the cell. At the same time the ions on the outside of the cell membrane also become scattered as they try to find their opposing pole, this results in cellular imbalance. Extra fluid from the tissues outside the cell is able to penetrate the cell which in turn pushes vital nutrients, hormones and electrolytes (salts) out of the cell. The cell’s ability to function is greatly reduced and cellular degeneration begins, which if not corrected will lead to the cell dying.( see diagram of a diseased cell).

When a static magnetic field is applied over an injured (diseased) area, the magnetism penetrates into the tissues and surrounds the damaged cell. The magnetic field that is created around the outside of the cell will pull the ions, both inside and outside, back into alignment. The result is that as the ions once again return to their correct position within the cell. The extra fluid that has penetrated the cell is pushed out (via osmosis and diffusion) and returned to the surrounding tissues. The cell regains its natural healthy balance and any damage is repaired over a period of days (see diagram of a cell with a magnetic field).

Ionic distribution in healthy, diseased and magnetic influenced cells.


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Magnetic forces

A magnetic field is the environment around a magnet in which magnetic forces act. Magnetic field lines represent the area around a magnet: magnetic field lines flow from the north pole to the south pole.

The magnetic field radiating from a bar magnet.

How magnetic fields affect blood flow?

Magnets are composed of metal alloys such as iron, nickel or cobalt they will attract many different types of metallic particles. The blood contains iron and when therapeutic magnets are placed on the skin the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and into the surrounding tissues and blood stream. The iron in the blood is attracted to the magnetic field, this causes movement within the blood stream and the increased activity causes the blood flow to improve.

The increase in blood flow is localised to the area where the magnets are placed, unless the magnets are placed directly over a major artery such as the radial artery (the wrist pulse point) or the carotid artery (the pulse point in the neck). When magnets are placed over a major artery there is a much larger perfusion of blood flow so the magnetic field is carried further around the body.

When the body’s blood flow is increased oxygen, nutrients and hormones are distributed to the organs and tissues much more effectively and quickly. Your organs have a fresh rich supply of oxygen and nutrients to nourish them. Plus the tissues also gain oxygen, healing nutrients and hormones including endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkilling hormone.

If you have an injury or ailment which is supplied with regular fresh oxygen, nutrients and endorphins then your injury or ailment will heal much faster and the pain will be reduced by the body’s own pain killing hormones (endorphins).

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This is the science bit. To understand how magnets work within the body you first have to understand some basic anatomy and physiology. This will help you understand exactly how magnets affect the body.


Your blood is a living tissue that circulates around your whole body via a network of arteries, veins and capillaries, it carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, antibodies, heat, electrolytes and vitamins to the body’s tissues. Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, electrolytes, hormones, minerals and iron.

The composition of blood

Blood flows around the body in arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood is transported from the heart to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and then transports it to all the organs and tissues. Every part of the body depends on blood to provide the necessary oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive.

Arteries, capillaries and veins

The circulatory system.

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Tanggal : 28-04-2008



Amega Global Indonesia memperkenalkan alat kesehatan terbaru berupa kosmetik yang memiliki fungsi menunda penunaan dan memberikan efek kesehatan. Peluncuran produk kosmetik kesehatan Amega tersebut diberi label EGA yang dirangkai dengan business convention bertema Energize Your Beauty di Gran Melia Jakarta.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Direktur Utama PT Amega Global Indonesia, Amelia Maran bersama Presdir Amega Global Asia Pasifik, Arun Kemer dan Presdir Amega Global LLC, Eric Banks mengungkapkan bahwa Amega terus melakukan inovasi produknya. Salah satunya dengan meluncurkan produk terbaru berupa kosmetik kesehatan yang sangat berguna bagi kesehatan tubuh sekaligus sebagai alat kecantikan.

Amelia mengungkapkan, bahwa selama ini Amega lebih dikenal sebagai produsen alat kesehatan berupa aksesoris kecantikan seperti gelang dan kalung. Berkat inovasi produk yang terus berkembang dan besarnya permintaan dari konsumen di tanah air, maka dilakukan peluncuran produk terbaru berupa alat kosmetik yang biasa dioleskan di wajah baik perempuan maupun pria.

“Produk EGA berupa kosmetik ini dapat dipergunakan oleh pria dan wanita sehingga semua orang dapat menggunakannya guna menjaga kesehatan,” katanya. Disamping memberikan efek kesehatan, menurutnya dapat juga mencegah penuaan sehingga setiap orang yang menggunakan produk tersebut tetap tampil muda meski sudah berusia tua.

Selain itu, ia mengatakan seperti produk kalung dan gelang yang kini terus mendapat respon positif dari masyarakat maka produk kosmetik ini juga menambah kekuatan energi sehingga dapat tampil lebih percaya diri. Untuk itu, dalam setiap kesempatan memberikan edukasi produk selalu dilakukan testimoni secara langsung sehingga konsumen dapat merasakan dampaknya produk Amega juga secara langsung.

Menurutnya, berkat kepercayaan masyarakat Indonesia yang sangat besar, maka sekarang ini sudah ada sekitar 250 ribu member yang terlibat dalam jaringan penjualan produk Amega. “Bahkan dalam tahun 2008 ini, kami mentargetkan akan ada sekitar 500 ribu member yang turut terlibat dalam jaringan Amega di tanah air,” katanya menjelaskan.
sumber :

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Tanggal : 28-04-2007


Ingin sehat segar tanpa minum obat-obatan?, tentu semua orang ingin. Karena sehat tanpa harus menstimulus tubuh dengan bahan kimia yang tidak perlu tentu sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh sekaligus mengirit biaya.

Satu konsep mujarab telah berada di Indonesia, yaitu cara sehat tanpa obat-obat atau multivitamin. Cukup dengan aksesoris yang indah berupa jam tangan, gelang, cincin dan kalung maka kondisi kesehatan akan mulih bahkan daya tahan dan tenaga tubuh meningkat pula.

Direktur PT Amega Global Indonesia, Mochamad Ma’rup mengungkapkan di Jakarta, Jumat (27/4) bahwa kehadiran produk alat aksesoris kesehatan itu ditandai dengan Grand Opening Amega Global Indonesia di Le Meridien Jakarta, Sabtu (28/4). Dalam kesempatan itu hadir Presdir Amega Global LLC, Erick Banks, juga Managing Director Asia Pasifik Arun Kemer, Director of Business Development Malaysia, Leslie Yap, serta Director of Business Development Singapore, Steven S.

Menurut Ma’rup yang juga merupakan testimonian dari alat kesehatan canggih ini, tema yang diangkat dari grand opening adalah Futuristic, Health and Wealth dibuka Wagub DKI Fauzi Bowo. Dengan kehadirian aksesoris kesehatan Amega ini diharapkan masyarakat Indonesia akan semakin sehat sekaligus menjadikan alat tersebut sebagai peluang bisnis menambah penghasilan keluarga.

Khasiat aksesoris Amega ini didemonstrasikan oleh Dr. dr. Leslie Yapp, seorang peneliti dalam bidang energi dengan menggunakan alat prognos. Alat ini merupakan bahan yang dipakai di NASA sebagai deteksi kesehatan para astronot sesaat sebelum melakukan ekspedisi ke ruang angkasa.

Dijelaskan Ma’rup yang ahli perkapalan dan pernah mengalami penyakit kronis seputar tekanan darah itu kini sembuh berkat aksesoris Amega. Guna memberikan daya pikat yang sesuai dengan kemampuan konsumen maka Amega menyuguhkan berbagai lapisan aksesoris Amega berupa lapisan diamond, gold, dan silver.

Dalam salah satu demo yang ditujukan kepada wartawan saat jumpa pers di gedung Sarinah Thamrin Jakarta, tampak ketangguhan alat aksesoris Amega ini. Pada saat alat belum dipergunakan, testimonian dalam kondisi lemah akibat radiasi dan polusi yang sudah dialami namun setelah dipasangkan gelang Amega maka tenaganya menjadi kuat sekali.

Mengingat kemampuan testimonian menjadi berlipatganda, maka sedang dicobakan penggunaannya dari kalangan atlet dan olahragawan. Sehingga perlu dikaji kerja sama dengan KONI Pusat guna meningkatkan prestasi para atlet.***

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Perkembangan teknologi, pola makan, jenis makanan dan perilaku kehidupan manusia saat-saat ini, menghantarkan suatu keadaan dimana beberapa keadaan yang "tidak bisa ditolak" untuk dilakukan. MISAL Handphone atau mobile phone yang sudah berubah menjadi kebutuhan pokok bagi sebagian banyak orang, termasuk penulis sendiri.
Penulis sendiri, pernah dan sering dikejutkan oleh beberapa fakta bahwa pemakaian handphone, dalam jangka waktu tertentu ternyata akan memberikan efek negatif terhadap kualitas kesehatan tubuh kita, termasuk didalamnya efek radiasi yang menurut beberapa kalangan memang kecil dan masih dalam "toleransi". Akan tetapi apabila pemakaiannya sudah melebihi batas waktu tertententu akan berefek kurang baik juga.
Banyak sekali refensi-referensi dalam dunia maya ini bisa di lihat dari beberapa link berikut :
(untuk membaca secara ilmiahnya Download disini, bagus sekali :

Link terkait :

dll.. dlll.

Dalam hal ini, dalam blog ini, penulis bermaksud menyodorkan suatu solusi hidup, untuk pengurangi efek dari radiasi ini, sebagai alternatif..

Sekarang, marilah kita coba dengan diri sendiri, bahwa yang namanya radiasi HP itu berefek kepada manusia dan menurukan stamina manusia..

Pertama.... jauhkan HP dari saku atau badan anda, simpan di meja
Kedua.... Anda berdiri tegak, kaki rapat, lalu luruskan tangan anda kedepan setinggi bahu (rata bahu)
Ketiga.... kumpulkan tenaga anda..
keempat.. minta rekan anda (tanpa pegang HP juga) untuk menurunkan tangan anda ke bawah dengan cara menekan tangan anda ke bawah, seperti halnya orang "mengkarate", tetapi dengan cara menekan tangan anda kebawah (tidak memukulkannya) lalu tahanlah tekanan rekan anda sekuat tenaga sehingga tangan anda tidak turun akibat tekanan rekan anda.

Lihat apa yang terjadi, anda akan bisa menahan tekanan dari rekan anda sendiri, coba-lagi dan coba lagi, tangan anda tidak bisa turun..... kuat donk....

Nah, sekarang, dengan cara yang sama seperti di atas, tetapi, anda memegang HP atau menyimpan HP di saku anda, dan lakukan dengan sama seperti diatas, saya yakin, paling tidak tangan anda bisa mampu diturunkan oleh rekan anda, paling tidak turun beberapa cm ke bawah, atau bahkan (untuk kebanyakan orang) rekan anda akan mudah menurunkan tangan anda, walau anda menahan atau memebrikan tenaga yang sama dengan semula..

Lalu coba lagi kalau HP di lepas, anda akan kuat kembali menahannya...

Silahkan mencobanya....


Nah... disini, saya menyodorkan produk Gelang Magnet amega yang mampu menghilangkan efek "menurunnya" energy akibat dari Hp tadidengan cara yang sama.

Bagaimana caranya...? ----- > pakaikan gelang magnet ini di lengan anda, hasilnya akan seperti ini:

1. Tanpa HP tanpa gelang : tangan anda bisa menahan tekanan rekan anda, sehingga tangan anda tidak bisa turun - strong enough
2. Dengan HP tanpa gelang: tangan and TIDAK BISA menahan, sehingga mengalami penurunan, dan rekan anda mampu menurunkan tangan anda - jadi lemah deh....
3. Nah sekarang Anda pegang HP dan pasang Gelang: akan akan memiliki kekuatan seperti semula, yaitu, tangan anda TIDAK MAMPU diturunkan rekan anda... - STRONG lagi deh.....


Contact dede 081385317086



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Berikut beberapa Film kecil, yang diambil untuk dipublikasikan sebagai pertunjukkan untuk memberikan efek kekuatan MAGNET AMEGA dalam waktu yang sangat singkat..
Harap menunggu sabar untuk mengupload film ini...

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Silahkan lihat photo-photo berikut, yang merupakan beberapa produk dari AMEGA Global yang Bisa dijadikan alternatif pilihan sebagai sarana berusaha atau berikhtiar pengobatan alternatif dengan menggunakan teknologi magnet (bio magnetic therapy):

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Produk Katalog

Posted By Dede MQ | 6:59 PM | , | 0 Comments »

Silahkan lihat photo-photo berikut, yang merupakan beberapa produk dari AMEGA Global yang Bisa dijadikan alternatif pilihan sebagai sarana berusaha atau berikhtiar pengobatan alternatif dengan menggunakan teknologi magnet (bio magnetic therapy):

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Kanker bisa terjadi dari salah satu titik lemah pada tubuh kita atau lewat multi tahapan proses metabolisme tubuh. Lebih efektif dan mudah menangani kasus tunggal Kanker pada 1 titik daripada kanker yang terjadi pada fungsi dasarorgan seperti pada Usus/Lambung, Paru-paru, atau fungsi Liver. Setiap titik kanker harus diterapui secara terpisah dengan Medan Magnet Ion Negatif dengan kepingan Magnet lebih besar dari Area/titik yang terinfeksi.
Kanker Metabolisme perlu diterapi sistematik (bertahap). Dan berikut dibawah ini adalah tahapan Terapi Magnet pada titik tertentu sebagai Berikut :
• selalu pakai Magnet Ion Negatif.
• Medan magnet Ion Negatif harus cukup lebih besar dari area yang terinfeksi kanker.
• Magnet tersebut harus ditempelkan pas pada daerah kanker.
• Minimum kekuatan Magnet 25 Gauss harus bisa menembus ke dalam Titik sumber Kanker.
• Terapi Magnet harus secara kontinu. Dan hanya dilepaskan/Istirahat pada saat mandi atau makan pai/siang/malam untuk meleluasakan sistem pencernaan makanan.
• Minimal Terapi berlangsung 12 minggu ( 84 hari ). Karena tidakada efek samping untuk sistem
produksi & metabolisme, disarankan untuk Kanker lemah, seperti Basal Cell Carsinoma (Kanker-
kulit) dimana diterapi Magnet hanya pada pada malam waktu tidur. Tetapi untuk kanker ganas
seperti Malignant melanoma ( Kanker Tumor Otak) perlu 24 jam/hari.
• Terapi Magnet pada sudut posisi yang tepat atau yang pasti pada organ yang terinfeksi kanker dan
satunya lagi sudut area kanan yang terinjeksi.
• Ketika terapi pada organ tubuh dalam, gunakan lebih besar & kuat Magnet untuk penetrasi lebih mantap pada kedalaman tubuh, termasuk ukuran (4” x 6” x 1/2”) atau (“4 x 6” x 1”)- Combi.
• Untuk kasus Kanker Melanoma, selain Medan magnet Ion Negatif pada titik infeksi, juga tempel-
• kan NeodymiumMagnet 1 ½ dari titik infeksi.
• Dan apabila titik Kanker melanoma lebih besar maka perlu Magnet lebih besar & kekuatan Gauss Penetrasi lebih besar.

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Koran mingguan MINGGU PAGI No. 52 Maret 2007,
Menghipnotis orang untuk tujuan negatif (gendam) saat ini lagi menjadi trend di negara kita. Kita bisa mengikuti perintah orang yang baru saja kita kenal untuk melakukan apapun tanpa kita sadari. Selama ini, masih sulit menemukan kiat canggih menangkal ilmu gendam ini. Banyak dukun yang panen jimat akibat hal ini. tetapi walaupun memakai jimat, tetap saja terkena gendam.
Sebenarnya, siapa saja yang mengalami gangguan listrik bio dalam tubuhnya mudah terserang frekuensi setanoaktif. Jika kesimbangan bio-energi dalam tubuh dapat diciptakan dan dijaga, gendam dapat terusir dengan sendirinya ! Ibu Sri Adningsih warga daerah Sleman-Yogyakarta, dua tahun lalu pernah terkena gendam. Emas seberat hampir 4 ons dan sertifikat nama sudah diserahkan ke si tukang gendam yang tidak lain adalah tetangga sendiri.
Sekitar sebulan lalu, Ibu Sri terkena sakit yang membuat Ibu Sri memanggil saudaranya RS Hardokusumo yang berprofesi sebagai penghusada (alternatif). Setelah diobati dan di berikan doa penyembuhan, Hardo memberikan sebuah gelang titanium untuk mempercepat penyembuhan. Dua hari kemudian, Ibu Sri tiba-tiba sadar terhadap emas dan sertifikatnya. Tak lama berselang, tetangga nya datang dan bersalaman. Saat itulah tiba-tiba terjadi peristiwa spektakuler. Ibu Sri bebas terhadap gendam dan tetangganya menjadi insaf dan mengembalikan harta dari Ibu Sri. Ternyata gelang yang dipakai Ibu Sri terbuat dari logam langka yang memiliki frekuensi penetral energi bio didaalam tubuh. Logam Boron, Ferrite dan Neodymium, sejenis magnet langka yang mampu mempertajam frekuensi bio-energi. Sintesa ketiga logam tadi ditamabah Infra merah buatan Amerika itu mapu meyembuhkan asam urat, kolesterol, stroke, hipertensi, sibetes, sering semutan, nyeri sendi dan sebangsanya.....
tetap saja terkena gendam. Sebenarnya, siapa saja
gangguan listrik bio dalam tubuhnya mudah terserang
setanoaktif. Jika kesimbangan bio-energi dalam
diciptakan dan dijaga, gendam dapat terusir

Note: NEODYMIUM merupakan Bahan Inti dari Magnet paling kuat

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Can you Imagine..? if your strength increase within seconds...
Can you Imagine..? if your body will be more flexure within seconds.....
Can you Imagine..? if Handphone Radiation to your body will be lost within seconds...
etc... etc.....
Don't be worry now, with using Bracelet Magnet AMEGA, All of above things will be complied...
Do you want to try...?

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Katalog Produk

Posted By Dede MQ | 1:14 AM | | 0 Comments »

Berminat, silahkan Hubungi
Dede Meki 081385317086 atau

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CALL : DEDE MEKI 081385317086 or

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Blood Diagram

Posted By Dede MQ | 12:58 AM | , , | 0 Comments »

Please Review, The Blood Diagram with and Without Magnet Effects as follows :

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• Meningkatkan sistim imun dan sirkulasi darah
• Membantu mengembangkan pembuluh darah dan memperlancar peredaran darah.
• Membantu mengatasi/menyembuhkan gangguan migran dan vertigo.
• Membantu mengatasi/menyembuhkan gangguan asthma dan bronkhitis.
• Membantu mengatasi/menyembuhkan sinusitis.
• Membantu meningkatkan kemampuan/gairah sex.
• Membantu mengatasi/menyembuhkan sakit reumatik dan asam urat.
• Membantu menghilangkan bau badan

• Membantu mengaktifkan sel-sel dalam tubuh dan meningkatkan metabolisme.
• Membantu membuang racun dalam darah (detoksifikasi).
• Membantu mengaktifkan molekul-molekul air di dalam tubuh, menguatkan organ-organ tubuh dan memperkuat daya tahan tubuh dari berbagai penyakit.
• Membantu fungsi kerja limfa serta mencegah terjadinya penyakit gondok.
• Membantu mengurangi keasaman dan kekentalan darah serta melegakan tekanan darah pada jantung.
• Membantu mengurangi kadar garam dalam darah.
• Membantu kulit tampil lebih segar, tampak awet muda dan ceria.
• Membantu mengurangi ketegangan sistem saraf dan meningkatkan kekuatan fisik.
• Membantu mengatasi masalah/penyakit darah tinggi ataupun darah rendah.
• Membantu mengatasi penyakit jantung koroner.
• Dapat mengurangi resiko kanker akibat radikal bebas
• Membantu mengatasi gangguan sistem pencernaan, fungsi hati dan lambung.
• Membantu mengatasi gangguan susah tidur (tidur menjadi mudah & nyenyak).
• Membantu mengatasi pertumbuhan bakteri, fungi dan jamur.
• Membantu mengatasi kencing manis (diabetes).
• Menambah kadar oksigen dalam darah
• Menghangatkan dan membuang lemak, zat kimia dan residu racun dari darah, yang menyebabkan lancarnya peredaran darah
• Membuang berbagai sisa metabolisme tubuh
• Memperkuat sistem kekebalan tubuh
• Menambah kualitas sistem pernafasan
• Mencegah pertumbuhan bakteri jahat
• Menghilangkan rasa sakit
• Menambah vitalitas dan kesehatan
• Mempercepat perbaikan sel-sel rusak (misalnya : luka)
• Menormalkan kadar kolesterol dalam darah

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Magnets do not block pain signals, they treat the cause of the pain.

Magnetic fields will influence individual areas of the body in different ways. For example a swollen knee joint may respond very quickly to the presence of a magnetic field, with symptoms being alleviated with in just a few days. How ever the same person may treat another area of the body with out the same quick response. The length of time that magnets will take to resolve the symptoms of an injury is entirely dependent on the severity of the ailment, the amount of inflammation surrounding the injured area and the cause of the ailment. Long standing chronic conditions, with large amounts of inflammation and cell damage will take longer to treat than a recent acute injury.
The process is similar when looking at different peoples reactions to magnets. Each individual will react to magnets in a slightly different way. Some people react very quickly to magnetic fields and others will take a longer period of time. An individuals medical history and symptoms must be taken into consideration when estimating how long magnets will take to work for a particular ailment.

As a general rule of thumb you should not expect to gain exactly the same results as another other person that has used magnets. Just because one person experiences pain relief within 2 days it does not mean that you will garner the same results. Many people are only too pleased to talk about their own experiences with magnetic therapy and while it is always great to hear an individual’s personal success with magnet therapy, it is sometimes hard not to expect to receive the same level of response for you.

Results can take any where from 2 days – 6 weeks depending on the condition and the severity of the injury.

Below are some examples of the very different results that patients have received with magnetic therapy.

“My friend and I had a consultation with Dee on the Wednesday and I purchased, the waist band, a magnetic pillow, shoe insoles and a water wand. The next day ( Thursday) I showered and dressed and realised that something was missing, I had no pain!!!”
Marilyn Yeomans.

“With in 24 hours of purchasing one of your knee straps, the pain was much easier. I am sleeping through out the night and able to walk much further.”

“I obtained one of these wands back in April, I can’t believe how quickly it worked about 7 days.”
Jean Barton.

“I suffer with intense face spasm which twists my mouth and closes my left eye…Ten days after using the magnet and trying the pillow not only had it eased the face spasm but it achieved what I didn’t dare hope for- my speech came back.”
Vivienne Murphey.

“My mother, at 90, suffers with diabetes. Her feet, always cold, warmed the instant she tried the magnetic insoles and the pain in her knees and feet was gone with in 2 weeks!”
Brian Lambie

“I have been using magnets every day for the pat four weeks, the pain has subsided to a tolerant level and I am able to sit in comfort.”
O Willey.

“I bought a magnetic back belt and I have worn it for four weeks, the results are really amazing.”
Derek Vernon-Morris.

“I was not sure at first if the magnets wee working for me. I tried the insoles for several weeks and then I knew they were. My reflexologist confirmed this too.”
Norma French.

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Magnets do not block pain signals, they treat the cause of the pain.

Conventional pain killing drugs like paracetamol and codeine based tablets (di-hydrocodiene, co codamol, co dydramol, tramadol and codeine phosphate) work by blocking the pain stimulus pathway. They interrupt the signal that starts at the point of pain (stimulus) and travel along the nerve pathways via the spinal cord to the pain receptors in the brain.

Depending on the type of drug, the signal may be interrupted at the pain stimulus or at any point along the nerve pathway to the brain. Pain killers only last for a short period of time. Depending on the type of pain killer and where they interrupt the pain pathway and the strength of the drug, they can last from 4-12 hours.

The pain pathway from the point of pain to the brain

Different pain killers block pain at different points along the pathway.

Magnets do not block the pain signal. They work on the cause of the pain, which is why static magnets have to placed as close to the point of pain as possible.

Pain is not caused only by the onset of trauma (e.g. puncture wound) although you will feel pain if you experience a sudden traumatic injury. Trauma alone does not cause all of the pain. Pain is also caused by pressure on the nerves. This can occur with out a traumatic injury, as with long standing chronic conditions. Joint wear and tear, chronic damage from earlier injuries or chronic inflammation can cause pressure upon nerves. The pressure upon the nerves is usually caused by swelling or inflammation around the injury, this extra fluid causes the tissues to swell and thus places pressure upon the nerve endings. Compression of the nerves causes constant pain stimuli to be sent to the brain. This causes the chronic constant pain, that is often associated with long term ailments.

To relieve the pressure on the compressed nerves the excess fluid in the tissues must be removed. Once the pressure has been removed the pain will subside. Magnets do reduce the inflammation in the tissues therefore they are very effective at reducing pain at the point of injury. Because the cause of the pain has been removed ( i.e. the inflammation) the pain relieving results will last for a much longer period of time than pain killers, which are just blocking the signal. Whilst the magnetic field is reducing the inflammation it is also improving blood supply to the injured area. The extra blood flow brings fresh rich oxygen, nutrients and hormones. One of these hormones is endorphin. Endorphin is known as the “happy” hormone as it is responsible for mood enhancement. The other function of endorphin is to kill pain naturally. As increased blood flow reaches the injured area the concentration of endorphins increases and pain is reduced.

When the magnets are removed from the area of pain, the cause of the inflammation will return, as the magnets are a treatment for the inflammation and poor circulation, they are not a cure for any disease process. Depending on the severity of the injury or ailment the effects of the magnets can last days, weeks or even months. Each individual will experience different time scales for the return of the pain as the disease process for each individual is slightly different.

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How do magnetic fields influence inflammation?

When static magnets are placed over an area of inflammation, the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and deep into the tissues and blood stream. Damaged cells will react to the presence of a magnetic field by realigning their ions into the correct position. This begins the process of eliminating the excess fluid from with in the cell. Cell damage will stop and healing of the cells will begin over a period of days.

Magnetic fields will also affect the white blood cells that are surrounding the injury and fighting the disease. White blood cells fight infection and disease by engulfing infectious and diseased and consuming them (phagocytosis). During this process the white blood cells release toxins into the blood stream. The body can not detoxify and excrete these toxins safely so they are stored in the tissues as small hard pockets of fluid (cellulite).

A white blood cell engulfing bacteria, infection or disease.

Waste (toxins) are released into the blood stream after the white blood cell has eaten the bacteria

When a magnetic field is present in the blood, toxins in the tissues are drawn out as the magnetised blood passes through the tissues. The toxins are then carried to the liver for detoxification and on to the kidneys for excretion.

Toxins show up as “clouds” in the blood stream.

When inflammation in the body is alleviated, the damage caused by the inflammatory process begins to be repaired by a fresh and rich supply of oxygen and nutrients. Cells that have been disrupted and de-oxygenised begin to heal and tissue regeneration starts. Excess fluid is eliminated from the body and toxins are removed. The circulatory system returns to normal and the heart does not have to work so hard to pump extra fluid around the body. Magnetic fields will stabilise all of these processes and aid the body in its recovery.

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The Inflammatory Process.

Inflammation is the body’s reaction to invasion by an infectious agent, antigen or even just physical, chemical or traumatic damage. The inflammatory reaction is one of the body’s oldest defence mechanisms. When damage occurs the body’s automatic defence system starts the inflammatory process within seconds. Blood flow is firstly increased at the point of injury, the blood vessels widen (vasodilate) to allow oxygen, clotting agents (platelets) and white blood cells to penetrate the damaged tissues. Over a period of hours the concentration of white blood cells increases at the injury site (white blood cells fight infection).

The beginning of the inflammation process.

Individual cells are affected by the inflammatory process. Extra fluid that has migrated from the blood vessels passes into the damaged cells; this begins the process of disrupting the ionic balance of the cell. The chemical balance of the cell changes and cellular degeneration begins.

The presence of extra fluid, white blood cells, increased blood flow with in the tissues causes the damaged area to enlarge and swell, this is commonly known as oedema.

If untreated or caused by a chronic incurable disease process such as, arthritis, fibromyalgia and spondylosis, inflammation can become chronic. When removal of the foreign bodies that are causing the inflammation is ineffective damaged cells become fused together forming gigantic cells with multiple nuclei (the brain of the cell) which in turn eventually become granuloma.

A knee joint with chronic inflammation.

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All cells in the body share common components, regardless of their type. One of the common constituents of all cells are ions. Ions are positively and negatively charged particles that conduct electro- magnetic pulses from with in the cell. The electro-magnetic pulses allow the cell to function. Without ions a cell cannot live.

In a normal healthy cell the ions are distributed around the cell with all of the positive ions on one side and the negative ions on the opposing side. The ions which live outside of the cell in the tissues will align with those inside of the cell so that opposing poles are together with the cell membrane between them (see diagram of healthy cell below), This allows fluid , oxygen and nutrients (fluid exchange) to move freely in and out of the cell, whilst maintaining the natural balance within the cell (homeostasis).

In a diseased (injured) cell the positive and negative ions do not stay on opposing sides of the cell. They are disrupted and scatter randomly around the cell. At the same time the ions on the outside of the cell membrane also become scattered as they try to find their opposing pole, this results in cellular imbalance. Extra fluid from the tissues outside the cell is able to penetrate the cell which in turn pushes vital nutrients, hormones and electrolytes (salts) out of the cell. The cell’s ability to function is greatly reduced and cellular degeneration begins, which if not corrected will lead to the cell dying.( see diagram of a diseased cell).

When a static magnetic field is applied over an injured (diseased) area, the magnetism penetrates into the tissues and surrounds the damaged cell. The magnetic field that is created around the outside of the cell will pull the ions, both inside and outside, back into alignment. The result is that as the ions once again return to their correct position within the cell. The extra fluid that has penetrated the cell is pushed out (via osmosis and diffusion) and returned to the surrounding tissues. The cell regains its natural healthy balance and any damage is repaired over a period of days (see diagram of a cell with a magnetic field).

Ionic distribution in healthy, diseased and magnetic influenced cells.


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Magnetic forces

A magnetic field is the environment around a magnet in which magnetic forces act. Magnetic field lines represent the area around a magnet: magnetic field lines flow from the north pole to the south pole.

The magnetic field radiating from a bar magnet.

How magnetic fields affect blood flow?

Magnets are composed of metal alloys such as iron, nickel or cobalt they will attract many different types of metallic particles. The blood contains iron and when therapeutic magnets are placed on the skin the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and into the surrounding tissues and blood stream. The iron in the blood is attracted to the magnetic field, this causes movement within the blood stream and the increased activity causes the blood flow to improve.

The increase in blood flow is localised to the area where the magnets are placed, unless the magnets are placed directly over a major artery such as the radial artery (the wrist pulse point) or the carotid artery (the pulse point in the neck). When magnets are placed over a major artery there is a much larger perfusion of blood flow so the magnetic field is carried further around the body.

When the body’s blood flow is increased oxygen, nutrients and hormones are distributed to the organs and tissues much more effectively and quickly. Your organs have a fresh rich supply of oxygen and nutrients to nourish them. Plus the tissues also gain oxygen, healing nutrients and hormones including endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkilling hormone.

If you have an injury or ailment which is supplied with regular fresh oxygen, nutrients and endorphins then your injury or ailment will heal much faster and the pain will be reduced by the body’s own pain killing hormones (endorphins).

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Posted By Dede MQ | 8:48 PM | | 0 Comments »

“For more than 10 years, I suffered from high blood pressure. I was introduced to Amega products and started to use them.
I then slowly cut my medication down. Three months later, I cut my medication completely.
With such great results, I was keen to introduce Amega Global to my business contacts and this was the start of my new business venture. Amega has helped my health but has also financially changed my life. I have made more than USD $20,000 in extra income in the past six months.” - Alfredo Mahinay, Dubai

“I was suffering with bad back pain from an injury. After wearing the Amega Bracelet the pain eased and I was able to cut down my medication”. - Jason, Nepal
Farah Kurnia Ningsih, Karyawan Swasta 26 Tahun, Jakarta
Saya sering sekali merasakan sakit kepala ketika bekerja, kemana pun saya pergi saya selalu membawa obat yang di sarankan oleh dokter kepada saya, karena saya sudah merasakan sakit kepala yang luar biasa ini sejak saya duduk di bangku SMA, mulanya saya tidak yakin ketika seorang teman merekomendasikan saya untuk menggunakan gelang magnet terapi ini selama tiga hari, teman saya meminjamkannya gelang magnet terapi itu selama seminggu. Dan tanpa saya sadari ketika saya menggunakan gelang magenet ini saya merasa saya tidak pernah lagi ada sakit kepala selama bekerja, kepala saya terasa enteng sekali sampai-sampai ketika saya bekerja saya jadi lupa waktu.
Agus Priyanto, Assistant Manager 36 Tahun, Jakarta
Pada saat seorang teman menggunakan gelang magnet terapi, saya bertanya kepadanya kenapa ia menggunakan gelang karena biasanya seorang lelaki itu jarang sekali menggunakan gelang atau semacamnya. Teman saya memberitahu saya kalau gelang ini dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit, saya hanya terdiam tidak percaya dengan hanya sebuah gelang dapat menyembuhkan penyakit, tetapi ketika suatu hari saya mempunyai bisul ditelinga sebelah kiri dan saya berobat kedokter karena telinga saya sakit sekali sampai-sampai saya tidak dapat mendengar, saya merasa tersiksa dengan keadaan seperti itu dan untuk itu lah dokter memberikan saya semacam obat tetes untuk di diteteskan ke telinga saya, tapi pengaruh obat itu malah membuat kepala saya jadi pening dan setelah itu saya bercerita tentang penyakit saya ini kepada teman saya yang menggunakan gelang magenet terapi ini dan dia meminjami saya gelang itu selama 6 hari dan hanya dalam waktu satu hari, bisul di telinga saya mengempes dan sembuh hanya dalam 2 hari selama saya menggunakan gelang itu.
Djohan, Wiraswasta 40 Tahun, Kebon Jeruk
Adik saya memberikan gelang magnet beberapa waktu lalu kepada saya, tanpa menyebutkan untuk apa gelang ini dan fungsi gelang tersebut tapi ia meyakinkan saya bahwa akan ada perubahan pada diri saya, akhirnya saya mengunakan gelang itu setiap hari tanpa saya tahu kegunaan gelang itu, saya dengan tinggi badan 167 cm dengan berat 60 kg pada saat saya berusia 30 tahunan, tetapi ketika usia saya menanjak 35 tahun an berat badan saya bertambah dan bertambah terus sampai akhirnya berat saya 80 kg. Saya sudah mencoba banyak cara untuk menurunkan berat badan, dengan pills, jamu, susu dan olah raga. Namun karena saya bekerja di lapangan dan godaan banyak dalam mengatur pola makan, sehinga saya tidak disiplin dalam diet dan olah raga. Sungguh ajaib, ketika saya memakai gelang ini, hanya dalam 2 minggu berat badan saya turun 5 kg!! itu tanpa harus mengatur pola makan. Dan saya terus memakai nya dalam waktu 1.5 bulan, berat badan saya turun hinga sekarang berat badan saya 71 kg. Badan saya juga jadi lebih enak, karena badan lebih ringan. Juga tidur saya lebih enak karena sebelumnya saya suka tidak bisa tidur, dengan memakai gelang ini saya saya bisa tidur lebih nyenyak,
Saya menganjurkan kepada semua orang bahwa gelang ini sangat dasyat dan banyak manfaat nya. Jadi pakailah gelang ini!
Moch Marup, Direktur, Pengusaha 50 Tahun, Jakarta
Saya sudah berlangganan untuk mempunyai dokter pribadi di rumah untuk mencek tekanan darah dan gula darah saya, keluarga kami memang mempunyai gen diabetes dan baru-baru ini dokter saya memberitahukan kalau saya sudah ada gejala jantung dan tekanan darah tinggi. Seorang manager sebuah perusahaan besar di Jakarta menawarkan saya untuk menggunakan gelang magnet terapi dan saya tidak menolaknya, saya pun mencobanya selama 2 minggu, setelah saya menggunakan gelang ini saya merasa bukan hanya tekanan darah saya saja yang stabil tetapi keluhan sakit pinggang yang sudah menahun pun dengan ajaib nya sembuh dan saya tidak ada keluhan sakit pinggang lagi karena sejak saya remaja saya sudah menderita sakit pinggang yang sangat parah sampai saya pernah melakukan terapi tulang di Negara Singapura selama 3 tahun dan ini juga menjadi penyakit turunan karena putri saya juga merasa hal yang sama, sakit pinggang dan saya menganjurkan untuk melakukan terapi dengan gelang ini dan sekarang kami sekeluarga menggunakan gelang ini dan kesehatan keluarga kami pun terjaga.
"Hi Pearl, Ketika saya mengeluhkan rasa sakit saya pada bagian ankle, Anda menyarankan saya untuk mencoba terapi magnetik. Saat itu saya sangat pesimis (Anda masih kan), tetapi saya tetap mencoba saran Anda. Rasa sakit itu sudah hilang sejak 1 bulan lalu. Saya sangat terkesan dan bersukur atas "magic" ini. Saat ini saya bahkan bisa bermain golf !! Walaupun saya tidak terlalu pintar bermain golf, setidaknya saya tidak merasakan rasa sakit lagi. Terima kasih! "
Patrick Cheong -
"Pekerjaan saya mengharuskan saya harus duduk berjam-jam didepan komputer. Hal ini membuat leher dan punggung sering terasa nyeri. Saya sudah menghabiskan banyak uang untuk membeli obat tetapi tidak berguna. Saya mulai beralih menggunakan Gelang dan Kalung magnetik ini dan hasilnya rasa sakit saya berkurang secara drastis ! Saya bahkan merasakan energi tambahan. Terima kasih. Good Job.."
Mdm. Hasna Mansur -
KL. Malaysia
"When I heard about magnets I had been living with pain for about a year. My arm was broken in a road accident, severing a tendon and breaking the bone. It didn't heal right and I had constant twinges of nerve pain throughout the arm, especially after using the computer. Within about 20 minutes of wearing a magnetic bracelet the pains stopped, and now I wear one most of the time. If I go longer than 24-hours without my bracelet I can tell a difference. I have friends who wear the bracelets and no longer have trouble from knee and ankle pain. My mom swears the magnetic bracelets keep her from feeling irritating pain due to long household chores."
Mr.Robbin Summers -
Brisbane Australia.
"I used it, benefited. My family used it all benefited. I suggest you use it and enjoy good health and wealth from the program."
Mr.Eton Phamers -
Bangkok Thailand
"For the last 20 years I suffered from migraine headache almost every day. I used to stock Panadol tablets at home and in my bag. I tried many traditional and natural medicines and went to different medical help but with no success. It was really a suffering and very uncomfortable daily routine. Until last week of March this year 2006 when my husband meet Mr. Arun Kemer from Singapore who introduces the Bio Magnetic Bracelet to both of us at his hotel accommodation in Doha. First, we were skeptical with the bracelet as we were demonstrated with immediate positive result to the body. But anyway, my husband bought 3 pieces of bracelets intended for me, for my mom and for him. I wore the bracelet almost 24 hours a day as I was advised. On the 3rd day, I was really surprised as I did not experience the headache anymore up until today. I really thank God for the Bio Magnetic Bracelet and to Mr. Kemer who introduce us into this product. Not only migraine disappears from me but also my arthritis and constipation problem. This product is truly wonderful and God given. I strongly encourage those with physical problem like mine to use this product to end the suffering."

Joveth B. Jarina
Doha, Quatar
"I have been working here in Qatar since passt 8 years. Due to the busy working hours and hectic life style I have some imbalance in my body. One of my major problems is sleeping disorder, "Insomnia". It causes me headache, dizziness and tiredness in the morning. For that reason I use to take some herbal medicine preferably before going to bed which had help me improve a bit my sleep and tiredness. My very close friend GB Panyal introduce me to a Bio Magnetic Bracelet saying that it will help improve my body immune system and specially my sleeping problem. So, I willingly purchase a Bio Magnetic Bracelet and wear it on my wrist. There was no positive effect for first 2 days.
I start blaming my friend GB. But on the 3rd day on the night I felt dramatic change in my system. I have experience a very good sleep after a very long time. I have not felt headache and feeling fresh the following day. Since day onward I have a very good night sleep and energetic health through out the day. I thank my friend GB so much and I wanted to share this great experience with many people who particularly suffering from similar situation. There is now a truly alternative from traditional medicine that will effectively help us to improve our health with out taking any pills. Bio Magnetic Bracelet is really a wonderful product."
Keshab Raj Paudel
Doha, Quatar
"My name is Dan Nato. I'm working as an Accountant in a private company here in Doha, Qatar. My work requires me to be in front of the computer most of the time and almost everyday I have watery eyes that I wipe with handkerchief every now and then. I have also poor vision since college days but I hate to wear glasses so I just go on with the problem with my eyes. Reading magazines and watching TV especially in the night before I sleep add more pain and tears in my eyes.
Bro. Remy introduced me to Amega Global and started using the Bio-Magnetic Therapeutic Titanium Bracelet last April 1, 2006. After a week of using my bracelet, I noticed that my watery eyes are gone and really felt amazed by the result. My vision also got clear and I have this extra strength that I don't feel before without the bracelet.
If you want a protection or shield on your body from sicknesses and diseases, try this bio-magnetic bracelet and you will be surprised by what this bracelet can do to your health."

Danilo Nato
Doha, Quatar
"Seorang teman dari Philipina memperkenalkan saya kalung Bio Magnetic, dari Amega Global. 22 Maret 2006 lalu, saya bersama teman saya dari Singapore sangat terkesan dengan presentasi kalung ini di Gulf Horizon Hotel waktu itu. Kalung itu langsung menambah kekuatan saya dan istri saya. Saya hampir tidak mempercayainya.
Setelah 3 hari memakai kalung, lutut saya yang biasanya sakit terasa nyaman saat berjalan. Sejak memakainya, saya tidak pernah merasa bad mood, stress dan kelelahan, walaupun bisnis sangat sibuk.Saya sangat menikmati khasiat yang sudah diberikan kalung Bio magnetic ini. Saya percaya ini adalah berkat dari Tuhan untuk saya bagi ke seluruh keluarga dan teman saya untuk membantu menghilangkan rasa sakit yang menungkin sedang dideritanya".
Remy J. Jarina
Doha Marriott Hotel, Qatar
"Nama saya Khalid dari Srilanka. Saya ingin berbagi kisah tentang kalung the Bio Magnetic.
Saya mendertia asma sudah lebih dari 20 tahun. Saya menyadari jika penyakit ini adalah bawaan dan turunan dari Ayah saya yang sama menderita Asma akut juga. Saya menikmati hari-hari saya dengan mengkonsumsi 2 tablet Asma setiap hari, dan itu harus saya lakukan samapai akhir hayat !!!
Saat ini saya sedang bekerja di Qatar. Pernah sekali waktu saya terserang Asma hebat sehingga saya harus masuk rumah sakit disana. Teman saya menyarankan untuk mencoba memakai kalung Bio Magnetic. Saya pikir kalung itu hanya akan membantu saya memberikan kesehatan lebih baik (sesuai penjelasan teman saya waktu itu).Saat saya memakai kalung itu, saya rasa berbeda dari diri saya. Asma tidak pernah kambuh lagi. Dan saya telah menghentikan meminum pil. Tapi saya tetap menyimpan obat itu hanya untuk menunjukan ke orang-orang bahwa say apernah mengidap asma akut dan saat ini saya sudah sembuh hanya dengan memakai kalung Bio Magnetic. Sungguh diluar dugaan."

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This is the science bit. To understand how magnets work within the body you first have to understand some basic anatomy and physiology. This will help you understand exactly how magnets affect the body.


Your blood is a living tissue that circulates around your whole body via a network of arteries, veins and capillaries, it carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, antibodies, heat, electrolytes and vitamins to the body’s tissues. Blood contains red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, plasma, electrolytes, hormones, minerals and iron.

The composition of blood

Blood flows around the body in arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood is transported from the heart to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and then transports it to all the organs and tissues. Every part of the body depends on blood to provide the necessary oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive.

Arteries, capillaries and veins

The circulatory system.

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