How do magnetic fields influence inflammation?

When static magnets are placed over an area of inflammation, the magnetic field penetrates through the skin and deep into the tissues and blood stream. Damaged cells will react to the presence of a magnetic field by realigning their ions into the correct position. This begins the process of eliminating the excess fluid from with in the cell. Cell damage will stop and healing of the cells will begin over a period of days.

Magnetic fields will also affect the white blood cells that are surrounding the injury and fighting the disease. White blood cells fight infection and disease by engulfing infectious and diseased and consuming them (phagocytosis). During this process the white blood cells release toxins into the blood stream. The body can not detoxify and excrete these toxins safely so they are stored in the tissues as small hard pockets of fluid (cellulite).

A white blood cell engulfing bacteria, infection or disease.

Waste (toxins) are released into the blood stream after the white blood cell has eaten the bacteria

When a magnetic field is present in the blood, toxins in the tissues are drawn out as the magnetised blood passes through the tissues. The toxins are then carried to the liver for detoxification and on to the kidneys for excretion.

Toxins show up as “clouds” in the blood stream.

When inflammation in the body is alleviated, the damage caused by the inflammatory process begins to be repaired by a fresh and rich supply of oxygen and nutrients. Cells that have been disrupted and de-oxygenised begin to heal and tissue regeneration starts. Excess fluid is eliminated from the body and toxins are removed. The circulatory system returns to normal and the heart does not have to work so hard to pump extra fluid around the body. Magnetic fields will stabilise all of these processes and aid the body in its recovery.

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